الاستشعار عن بعد فی الهندسة البیئیة

Whatsapp +989381272118 Mstafa.farahani@gmail.com

الاستشعار عن بعد فی الهندسة البیئیة

Whatsapp +989381272118 Mstafa.farahani@gmail.com

Monitoring Built-up and building height with its area

Google Earth Engine toturial 101 monitoring Volcano activity Remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite

#SAR #GLDAS #Volcano #Geosciences #Remotesensing #googleearthengine #GIS #earthobservation #satellite
Google Earth Engine toturial 101 monitoring Volcano activity Remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite  #SAR #GLDAS #Volcano #Geosciences #Remotesensing #googleearthengine #GIS #earthobservation #satellite   https://youtu.be/2A9xr8RIZ_o?si=868SMQfui8hG9u17

Google Earth Engine toturial 100 Before after Disaster by RGB remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite

#SAR #RGB #Disaster #satellite #earthobservation #GIS #Geosciences #googleearthengine #Remotesensing
Google Earth Engine toturial 100 Before after Disaster by RGB remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite  #SAR #RGB #Disaster #satellite #earthobservation #GIS #Geosciences #googleearthengine #Remotesensing   https://youtu.be/Bzkckr1HOcg?si=oveH975IjlR93tIv

Google Earth Engine toturial 99 Air Pollution Dust Aerosol remote sensing Geosciences SAR Satellite  #AirPollution #dust #Aerosol #googleearthengine #Geosciences #remotesensing #GIS #earthobservation #Earth #satellite   https://youtu.be/i7s3e7TkN7s?si=j8UySizUd7gmcd4e

Google Earth Engine toturial 99 Air Pollution Dust Aerosol remote sensing Geosciences SAR Satellite


#AirPollution #dust #Aerosol #googleearthengine #Geosciences #remotesensing #GIS #earthobservation #Earth #satellite




Google Earth Engine toturial 98 tree