الاستشعار عن بعد فی الهندسة البیئیة

Whatsapp +989381272118 Mstafa.farahani@gmail.com

الاستشعار عن بعد فی الهندسة البیئیة

Whatsapp +989381272118 Mstafa.farahani@gmail.com

Monitoring Built-up and building height with its area

Google Earth Engine toturial 101 monitoring Volcano activity Remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite

#SAR #GLDAS #Volcano #Geosciences #Remotesensing #googleearthengine #GIS #earthobservation #satellite
Google Earth Engine toturial 101 monitoring Volcano activity Remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite  #SAR #GLDAS #Volcano #Geosciences #Remotesensing #googleearthengine #GIS #earthobservation #satellite   https://youtu.be/2A9xr8RIZ_o?si=868SMQfui8hG9u17

Google Earth Engine toturial 100 Before after Disaster by RGB remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite

#SAR #RGB #Disaster #satellite #earthobservation #GIS #Geosciences #googleearthengine #Remotesensing
Google Earth Engine toturial 100 Before after Disaster by RGB remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite  #SAR #RGB #Disaster #satellite #earthobservation #GIS #Geosciences #googleearthengine #Remotesensing   https://youtu.be/Bzkckr1HOcg?si=oveH975IjlR93tIv

Google Earth Engine toturial 99 Air Pollution Dust Aerosol remote sensing Geosciences SAR Satellite  #AirPollution #dust #Aerosol #googleearthengine #Geosciences #remotesensing #GIS #earthobservation #Earth #satellite   https://youtu.be/i7s3e7TkN7s?si=j8UySizUd7gmcd4e

Google Earth Engine toturial 99 Air Pollution Dust Aerosol remote sensing Geosciences SAR Satellite


#AirPollution #dust #Aerosol #googleearthengine #Geosciences #remotesensing #GIS #earthobservation #Earth #satellite




Google Earth Engine toturial 98 tree

Soil water content in 33kpa satellite QGIS Google earth engine










Google Earth Engine toturial51 Soil Sand depths 0-200 (%Kg/Kg) growth Chart

Water body flux growth by satellite imagery GoogleEarthEngine

Google Earth Engine toturial 24 Base flow groundwater runoff hydrology Remotesensing qgis earth

Google Earth Engine toturial 24 Base flow groundwater runoff hydrology Remotesensing qgis earth   https://youtu.be/nksoBJvlMMs?si=Dp5uma8_1J5lwLC5



Google Earth Engine toturial 23 Storm surface runoff hydrology Remotesensing qgis earth observation

#earth #EarthObservation #satellite #signalprocessing  #gis  #arcgis #qgis #remotesensing #stormsurfacerunoff #hydrolog

Google Earth Engine toturial 23 Storm surface runoff hydrology Remotesensing qgis earth observation  #earth #EarthObservation #satellite #signalprocessing  #gis  #arcgis #qgis #remotesensing #stormsurfacerunoff #hydrology   https://youtu.be/W045NXu2aIY?si=4THPHHJlTGfb-COD



Google Earth Engine toturial 22 Soil heat flux quality index Remotesensing qgis earth observation

#soil #soilquality #soilheatflux #Remotesensing #GIS #earthobservation #Qgis #Earth #gee #googleearthengine #earthdngine #soilpollution

Google Earth Engine toturial 22 Soil heat flux quality index Remotesensing qgis earth observation       #soil #soilquality #soilheatflux #Remotesensing #GIS #earthobservation #Qgis #Earth #gee #googleearthengine #earthdngine #soilpollution            https://youtube.com/watch?v=7OWZ0TOt8N0&si=GfNUAyOI0JeBj8Pb



Google Earth Engine toturial 21 surface pressure growth   Air quality index Remotesensing qgis

#GEE #googleearthengine #remotesensing #Qgis #qgis #gis #waterbody #water #hydrology #satellite #watergrowth

Google Earth Engine toturial 21 surface pressure growth   Air quality index Remotesensing qgis  #GEE #googleearthengine #remotesensing #Qgis #qgis #gis #waterbody #water #hydrology #satellite #watergrowth   https://youtu.be/2v9KAFqoToY?si=Gp1LNLbVinuqaUad



Google Earth Engine toturial 20 evapotranspiration growth Land Cover Land use lulc Remotesensing GIS

#evapotranspiration #qgis #arcgis #gis #GEE #googleearthengine #remotesensing #SatelliteImagery #signalprocessing 

Google Earth Engine toturial 20 evapotranspiration growth Land Cover Land use lulc Remotesensing GIS   #evapotranspiration #qgis #arcgis #gis #GEE #googleearthengine #remotesensing #SatelliteImagery #signalprocessing      https://youtube.com/watch?v=OWPpppQEdio&si=APPbq-du34VFwyUx



Google Earth Engine toturial 19 Water Body growth Land Cover Land use lulc Remotesensing GIS application

GEE #googleearthengine #remotesensing #Qgis #qgis #gis #waterbody #water #hydrology #satellite #watergrowth

Google Earth Engine toturial 19 Water Body growth Land Cover Land use lulc Remotesensing GIS application  #GEE #googleearthengine #remotesensing #Qgis #qgis #gis #waterbody #water #hydrology #satellite #watergrowth     https://youtube.com/watch?v=-WaB-_Ibh54&si=FSe7ikXjfZDQXPNI



Google Earth Engine toturial 18  Barren area rock , soil, sand growth Land Cover Land use lulc Remotesensing GIS ap


Google Earth Engine toturial 18  Barren area rock , soil, sand growth Land Cover Land use lulc Remotesensing GIS ap  https://youtu.be/kDlaXRjXYjw?si=JgQpFvvOZ-ly6dmK    #qgis #Qgis #remotesensing #gis #lulc #landvover #landuse #snow #satellite #signalprocessing #python #javascript

qgis #Qgis #remotesensing #gis #lulc #landvover #landuse #snow #satellite #signalprocessing #python #javascript


Google Earth Engine toturial 17 permanent Snow growth Land Cover Land use lulc Remotesensing GIS ap

qgis #Qgis #remotesensing #gis #lulc #landvover #landuse #snow #satellite #signalprocessing #python #javascript 

Google Earth Engine toturial 17 permanent Snow growth Land Cover Land use lulc Remotesensing GIS ap   #qgis #Qgis #remotesensing #gis #lulc #landvover #landuse #snow #satellite #signalprocessing #python #javascript      https://youtu.be/5qYd3qJND0U?si=WTomdnfEtmrCnzwB



Remote sensing ., Air pollution ., Water pollution ., Soil pollution ., Agriculture ., Environmental engineering ., Landsat satellite ., MODIS satellite ., Copernicus satellite ., Air temperature ., Soil temperature ., Water temperature ., Google Earth Engine ., Hydrology ., GIS ., QGIS ., Earth observation ., Climate ., Power plant ., Satellite imagery ., Signal processing ., Evapotranspiration ., Land use ., Land cover ., Water body ., Snow cover ., Soil quality ., Air quality ., LULC ., Groundwater ., Surface runoff ., Soil heat flux ., Storm runoff ., Tutorials ., Environmental analysis ., Satellite data ., Python ., JavaScript ., Remote sensing tools ., GIS applications

Wetland area growth by satellite imagery

Google Earth Engine toturial #16 wetlands Area growth Land Cover Land use lulc Remotesensing GIS application





#landcover #LULC #remotesensing #Arcgis #GIS #satellite #droughtmonitoring #globalwarming #wetland #wetlandgrowth

Google Earth Engine toturial #16 wetlands Area growth Land Cover Land use lulc Remotesensing GIS application   https://youtube.com/watch?v=0le1LiLluas&si=dHbO3zzlHwjjGBAC   #landcover #LULC #remotesensing #Arcgis #GIS #satellite #droughtmonitoring #globalwarming #wetland #wetlandgrowth





Google Earth Engine toturial #15 Grassland Area growth Land Cover Land use Remotesensing GIS application




#landcover #landuse #Qgis #Savannas #Remotesensing #arcgis #googleearthengine #lulc #SatelliteImagery





Google Earth Engine toturial #14 woody Savannas Area growth Land Cover Land use Remotesensing GIS application


#landcover #landuse #Qgis #Savannas #Remotesensing #arcgis #googleearthengine #lulc #SatelliteImagery

Google Earth Engine toturial #14 woody Savannas Area growth Land Cover Land use Remotesensing GIS application   #landcover #landuse #Qgis  #Savannas #Remotesensing #arcgis #googleearthengine #lulc #SatelliteImagery     https://youtube.com/watch?v=Sw0IK6CK1eU&si=Cz6aZsbWmBEwVHK2








Google Earth Engine toturial #13 carbon Dioxide (CO²) & black carbon Remotesensing GIS application


#CO2 #AirPollution #Airquality #carbondioxide #blackcarbon #Remote_sensing #gis #Qgis #satellite




 Google Earth Engine toturial #13 carbon Dioxide (CO²) & black carbon Remotesensing GIS application  #CO2 #AirPollution #Airquality #carbondioxide #blackcarbon #Remote_sensing #gis #Qgis #satellite    https://youtube.com/watch?v=YdBMSp02hxA&si=XcuShJ3uFVZUeN39


























برای شما متن بدون هشتگ آماده کردم:


GIS، Remote Sensing، Land Use، Land Cover، Satellite Imagery، Google Earth Engine، QGIS، Climate Change، Global Warming، Environmental Monitoring، Geospatial Analysis، Spatial Data، Earth Observation، Mapping، Geoinformatics، Spatial Analysis، Cartography، Geography، Urban Planning، Natural Resources، Biodiversity، Ecosystem، Wetland Monitoring، Wetland Conservation، Wetland Restoration، Wetland Growth، Wetland Area، Sustainable Development، Conservation، Habitat Mapping، Land Management، Resource Management، Environmental Planning، Soil Mapping، Vegetation Mapping، Topography، Remote Sensing Applications، Earth Science، Geospatial Technology، Climate Adaptation، Ecosystem Services، Land Use Planning، Satellite Data، Remote Sensing Data، Spatial Information، Geospatial Intelligence، Environmental GIS، Climate GIS، Wetland GIS، Satellite Monitoring Wetlands، Geospatial Mapping Wetlands، Sustainable Land Use، Climate Action، Earth Observation Data، Satellite Based Analysis، Geospatial Insights، Remote Sensing Technology، Wetland Preservation، Global Climate Change، Grassland Monitoring، Grassland Growth، Grassland Area، Precision Agriculture، Environmental Assessment، Natural Disasters، Climate Modeling، Atmospheric Science، Meteorology، Oceanography، Environmental Science، Ecology، Biodiversity Conservation، Habitat Conservation، Wildlife Monitoring، Land Degradation، Urbanization، Sustainable Agriculture، Geospatial Education، GIS Applications، Geospatial Data Analysis، Remote Sensing Techniques، Spatial Data Science، GIS Software، Open Source GIS، GIS Programming، GIS Modeling، GIS Mapping، GIS Data، GIS Projects، GIS Professional، GIS Consulting، GIS Research، GIScience، GIS Training، Remote Sensing Training، GIS Skills، GIS Opportunities، GIS Development، GIS Community، GIS Innovation، GIS Workshops، Environmental Monitoring Systems، Spatial Decision Support، Geospatial Visualization، GIS Day، GIS Conference، GIS Certification، GIS Networking، GIS Resources، GIS Knowledge، GIS Insight، GIS Expertise، GIS Mastery، GIS Literacy، GIS Education، GIS Studies، GIS Classes، GIS Degrees، GIS Standards، GIS Best Practices، GIS Techniques، GIS Processes، GIS Operations، GIS Planning، GIS Sustainability، GIS Growth، GIS Improvement، GIS Optimization، GIS Automation، CO2 Air Pollution، Carbon Dioxide، CO2 Emissions، Climate Solutions، Renewable Energy، Solar Energy، Wind Energy، Climate Solutions، Environmental Science، Carbon Footprint، Atmospheric Monitoring، Water Quality، Temperature Mapping، Greenhouse Gases، Carbon Neutrality، Forest Monitoring، Weather Prediction، Urban GIS، Biodiversity GIS، Wetland GIS، Sustainable Development Goals، Climate Action Planning، Spatial Modeling، Environmental Management، Earth Science Education، Remote Sensing Technology.


