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Whatsapp +989381272118 Mstafa.farahani@gmail.com

الاستشعار عن بعد فی الهندسة البیئیة

Whatsapp +989381272118 Mstafa.farahani@gmail.com

Air Quality sulfur dioxide so2 by remote sensing gis

Google Earth Engine toturial #7 Sulfur Dioxide SO² for Multiple Geometry Air quality RemoteSensing



#GIS #gis #remotesensing #RemoteSensing #air #Airqualityso2 #airpollutionso2 #javascript #googleearthengine #muliplegeometry #airpollutant


Vedio and Code in my youtube.com/@geemap



Google Earth Engine toturial #7 Sulfur Dioxide SO² for Multiple Geometry Air quality RemoteSensing   #GIS #gis #remotesensing #RemoteSensing #air #Airqualityso2 #airpollutionso2 #javascript #googleearthengine #muliplegeometry #airpollutant   https://youtu.be/F-F-OUyh-AA?si=XnohSwhXVqaAaMF-



Google Earth Engine toturial #7 Sulfur Dioxide SO² for Multiple Geometry Air quality RemoteSensing   #GIS #gis #remotesensing #RemoteSensing #air #Airqualityso2 #airpollutionso2 #javascript #googleearthengine #muliplegeometry #airpollutant   https://youtu.be/F-F-OUyh-AA?si=XnohSwhXVqaAaMF-




































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